Unilift CC

Unilift CC is a single-stage,

Unilift CC is a single-stage, submersible drainage pump designed for the transfer of drainage water and gray waste water. With the filter removed, Unilift CC can pump up to 3 mm water level above the ground. Suitable for permanent and temporary installation. An optional check valve can be fitted to the power outlet to prevent backflow from the piping system. Convenient connections can be made to 3/4”, 1” or 1 1/4” size outlets with the help of an adapter. The filter is made of stainless steel; the main parts such as the barrel and the pump body are made of composite mold materials.

Technical Information

Flow Q : Max. 13 m3/hour
Pressure High. H. : Max. 9 meters
Liquid Temperature: Between 0°C and +55°C
Particle Size: 10 mm

Features & Benefits

  • Composite materials
  • Stainless steel filter
  • Self-ventilating valve on carrying handle
  • Version with level switch
  • Compliance with low suction levels
  • Lightweight design
  • Water and rainwater from horticultural applications
  • River and lake waters
  • Drain and flood water
  • Container, pool, tank, etc. filling/draining water
  • Sewage water from showers, washing machines and sewage pipes below sewer level
  • Pool water
  • Drain channel water
  • Ground water (drainage applications)
  • From viaducts, underground passages, etc. incoming sewage
  • Drainage water from sprinkler systems in garages.
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