Unilift AP is a single-stage pump
Unilift AP is a single-stage pump designed using a semi-open impeller (AP12) or a vortex impeller (AP35 and AP50). Unilift AP pumps have a stainless steel sleeve that functions as cooling during operation. The filter at the bottom prevents solids larger than designed for the pump from entering the pump. The filter is attached to the pump body. It is possible to operate the Unilift AP series in automatic or manual mode with or without a float switch. Pumps with "A" in the product designation are fitted with a float switch. In the 3+ versions there is an extra starter box connected to the float switch. The power outlet is at the top of the pump and is available in sizes Rp 1 1/2 to Rp 2. An optional check valve can be fitted to the power outlet to prevent backflow.
Unilift AP Basic pumps are single-stage solutions with vortex impellers (AP35B, AP50B). The entire Unilift AP Basic series is made of stainless steel and has a composite chassis. These pumps, which are mounted on the chassis without support or with automatic coupling, are operated submerged. The pump inlet is designed to prevent large solids from entering the pump. The chassis is connected by four clips hidden under the composite ring on the pump body. The ring prevents dirt from sticking to the clips. It is possible to operate the Unilift AP series in automatic or manual mode with or without a float switch. Pumps with "A" in the product designation are fitted with a float switch. The outlet is on the side of the pump and is available in size R 2.