Drain Pumps Products
We are working hard to provide you with a better service...
Unilift CC
Unilift CC
Unilift CC is a single-stage, submersible drainage pump designed for the transfer of drainage water and gray waste water. With the filter removed, Unilift CC can pump up to 3 mm water level above the ground.
Unilift KP
Unilift KP
Unilift KP are submersible drainage pumps designed for both temporary or unsupported permanent installation. It can be used for the transfer of drainage water or gray sewage. Installation in collection tanks is also possible.
Unilift AP
Unilift AP
Unilift AP is a single-stage pump designed using a semi-open impeller (AP12) or a vortex impeller (AP35 and AP50). Unilift AP pumps have a stainless steel sleeve that acts as a cooling during operation.

Drain Pumps

Unilift AP

Unilif CC

Unilift KP


Drain Pumps| Poyan Engineering

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